The Amazing Power of Soul Calls

Last Updated 12/16/2021

Dearest Seekers of Love,

Without a doubt, the most amazing relationship you will ever have is with your soul. By the way have you connected with yours lately? For some, there may be a few attached cobwebs but trust that our souls eagerly respond to a gentle cleansing. They look forward to working with us and teach us that we are limitless beings.

The process of sending a soul call is a powerful method which I learned from Kathryn Alice. Soul calls pave the way for the manifestation of our intentions with grace and ease. They may be sent for any intention (prosperity, career, travel, etc.) but for the sake of clarity today we are focusing on love.

The reason that soul calls produce amazing results is that they allow us to do the emotional and mental work necessary to connect with our higher spiritual consciousness. This connection helps us to shift from
conflicting false mental states to states of blissful reality. A great example of this was recently demonstrated to me by a young woman who was very threatened by the external appearances of other young women.

Her belief was that she was not beautiful enough to attract love. Her belief had been imprinted by family members and reinforced by false media messages. Together we practiced sending forth a soul call which
focused on connecting with the qualities which would help her to believe that she was lovable. We then sent out a soul call to attract her soulmate. She is now engaged and whenever doubts arise, and they
do, she goes within and reconnects with her very beautiful inner qualities.

Another reason that soulcalls are effective is that they are so easy to do! The first step is to stand with arms outstretched and then to petition the Universe by saying, "Soulmate, come to me NOW! " Next,
close your eyes and visualize yourself in the arms of your soulmate. You might want to interject a statement to your soulmate such as, "My precious angel, where did you come from?"

Let this process be fun. Release any sense of strife and embrace this process with ease. Know that you and your soulmate will live more happily than you could possibly imagine!

I bless you in the manifestation of your intentions! May you bask in the glory of successful completion!

Much love,
Edie Blue


Manifest Your Soulmate NOW Workshop
Thursday, October 25th, 2012
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
43 Highland Ave. #1
Cambridge, MA 02139
$30.00 prepaid, $35.00 at door.
Individual and group soulmate coaching is now available in person or
via phone. Call for a free ten minute phone session.

Knotty Minds/Knotty Bodies:

  • Individual and small group yoga sessions
  • Learn how negative thinking manifests in our bodies.
  • Enjoy therapeutic yoga that produces lasting results.
  • Return to your angelic way of being
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